Cream of the Crop 23
Cream of the Crop 23.iso
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73 lines
CLOUDLIT.ZIP 46,001 11-25-96 Atmospheric Lighting Effect Based on A
| Concept by Imaginos.
COLAID31.ZIP 1197,752 01-20-97 Esc-othr College Aid Calculator V3.1
CRC11.ZIP 128,360 12-14-96 Crc V1.1 - Uscf Ratings Calculator for
| Windows (3.1), By/From Eric Horn
CV35332.ZIP 1324,011 11-14-96 Convert It! Se 3.53 Ultimate Unit of Measure
| Conversion Utility for Ms Windows. 15
| Catagories of Conversions With A Custom You
| Set Up. You can Edit the Conversion Factors
| Add, Change or Delete Units.
CV35416.ZIP 490,943 11-14-96 Convert It! Se 3.53 16-bit Ultimate Unit of
| Measure Conversion Utility for Ms Windows. 15
| Catagories of Conversions With A Custom You
| Set Up. You can Edit the Conversion Factors,
| Add, Change or Delete Units
DN_LIQ.ZIP 751,388 10-19-96 Trance - O - Mania Psc & Deep Bass & Prance &
| Dionysus & Link-d & Caliber-x Present
| Liquified .Xm
FSH11A16.ZIP 93,889 01-02-97 Fishtank V1.1: 16-bit Windows App That is
| Basically an Aquarium Size Calculator - You
| Enter Size Data for the Aquarium & the Water
| Type, and the Program Computes Various Info
| About the Prospective Aquarium; 01/02/97
KLK16142.ZIP 502,066 12-19-96 Kalkulator/16 V1.42 - A Sci/Eng Calculator
| for Windows 3.1. Expression Evaluation, 100
| Functions (Stat. Distributions, Euler
| Conditional, User-defined), Function Graphs
| Statistics (Mean, S.D., Histograms, Poly
| Regression)
KSTAT414.ZIP 1408,672 01-20-97 Esc-math Kwikstat (Dos) V4.14 <asp/Esc> - DOS
| Statistical Data Analysis and Graphs for
| Scientific and Business Data Analysis.
| Contains Dozens of Statistical Proceedures.
| Sia Award Winner
MAND60.ZIP 473,007 11-01-96 Mandel is A Fractal Generator That is Easy to
| use and Allows the Image to be Colored in
| Many Ways With User Choosen Palettes
| Mandelbrot, Julia and Chaos Images can be
| Created. An Easy to use Window Zoom Feature
| Allows
MATCAL13.ZIP 79,992 01-06-97 Matcalc 1.3 - Matrix Calculator. Performs
| Matrix Operations Quickly and Easily. It Has
| Menu Driven Routines for Finding Inverses
| Determinants, Matrix Multiplication and
| Addition and A Number of Other Operations.
MEAS_100.ZIP 29,247 12-13-96 Measures Allows Fast Accurate Conversions
| Between Measurements. Several Ascii
| Conversion Files Are Included for Mass
| Volume, Length, Velocity, Cooking
| Measurements, and More. Users May Also Define
| Their Own Conversion
TIDE150.ZIP 280,935 11-19-96 Xtide Harmonic Tide Clock and Tide Predictor
| Version 1.5 Needs Emxrt.Zip Version 0.9c With
| Fix01.
UCALC32.ZIP 103,910 11-21-96 Ultimate Calculator V3.2 Graphic Scientific
| Calculator. Expression Evaluator With Many
| Built-in Functions, Operators, Numerical
| Notations, and Modes. User Variables &
| Functions. Solves, Plots 2d/3d Equations Does
WLPLT270.ZIP 292,218 11-09-96 Wl-plot 2.70 - Mathematical Plotting Program
| Plots Either Algebraic or Rpn Functions in
| Cartesian, Parametric, and Polar Modes. Also
| Graphs Inverses, Integrals, 1st & 2nd
| Derivatives, Rotated Conic Sections
| Non-function
WONDER_F.ZIP 3464,966 12-05-96 Very Diffrent Fractal.Gifs Fractint My
| Discovery That Lambdafn With Y Inversion
| Ratio on Auto and Boundry Tracing on in Frac
| can Make Very Unuseual Results all Fractals
| by Burton.Bursky@factory.Com.
XAOS21_O.ZIP 143,657 12-02-96 Xaos is A Fast Portable Real-time Interactive
| Fractal Zoomer.